can dormant seeds bloom?
[developed in collaboration with  Anastasiya Miseyko, Ben Morrison, & Roger Anis]
{full text here}

This place was once a tower, a home, a garden. Now it is a square. It remembers the comings and goings of peoples, from Turks, to Slavs, to Jews and Greeks. Time has washed away the stains, yet traces linger still. In the burst of pigeon flight, to the slow slink of the ginger cat. Amongst the blues and reds of the scrawling graffiti and in the scarred bark of the two trees. It rests on the hands and faces of the people that sit in the shade of the byzantine wall. A central stage for small acts, the square invited us to sit and watch the shadows grow. What can be found in absence? Can dormant seeds bloom? From the physical act of placing a seed in the soil to the chance encounter of two like-minded strangers, we document these encounters. Through this artistic intervention, we have seen the ghosts of the city, hiding in the quiet whispers of the walls.
Ben Morrison





Roger Anis